00667: Nikki Victory vs. Salena Dean


MP4 | 168MB | 15:25 | 720×480


Both Nikki Victory and Salena Dean make their debuts at Liberty Pro Women’s Wrestling, hailing from the NWF company. These well-trained newcomers engage in 15 minutes of action, displaying their promising talent. (Introductions. Lockup. Throw down to mat. Side Headlock. slap to face. Snapmare. sleeper hold. Headscissors. Hip Toss takedown. Belly to back suplex. Raking face on mat. Test of strength. Mercey fight. Dropkick to chest. Big body splash in corner. Chicken wing. Shoulder thrusts into midsection. Extended leg choke in corner. Arm scissors with wrist lock. leg lock. Hanging on middle rope and vicious kick to midsection. Running clothesline. Chinlock. Slamming leg into mat. Finisher: Keister bump into a chicken wing. Submission and pinned. attacking loser after match.)


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